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Bricks and Mortar - Finished!

Lyrics :DirgeK/Alison Hazelwood
Vocals and melody : Myndi Anjuli
Music : Jamie Kerr

This ain’t a comfy living environment,
while my bricks and mortar surround

the adjoining buildings aren’t sharing the burden
brick by brick I’m entombed

in a round-about way I’m saying give me some space

my bricks and mortar
my paranoia is not out of proportion
check the blueprints that you have laid

i’m a paranoid girl,
when I’m outside duelling with passing cars
hoping they’ll clear me some space
my bricks and mortar are shook to their foundations
this is what the voices say

A golden-haired beauty.

Her eyes, two cobalt blue crystals, sparkling with mischief, whilst secretly laughing at us all.

Her lips as red as pomegranates and a smile that's warmth could radiate a hall.

A genius.

Her mind could weave a web around each one of us and would leave us all to spin along in awe. 
Such captivating stories, though true or not... we never could be sure!

A comic.

A natural born entertainer... her speed and wit would put us all to shame.
Her jokes, impressions... assassinations (!) inevitably led to small-time fame. 

An artist.

A flick of a brush, a scratch of a pen

Bricks and Mortar © Dirge K 2004
Alison Hazelwood © 2008


Angel said...

Hello, I was wondering if there are lyrics available for this song?

The Admin said...

Angel said...
Hello, I was wondering if there are lyrics available for this song?


Bricks and Mortar © Dirge K 2004

this ain't a comfy living environment,

while my bricks and mortar surround


the adjoining buildings aren't sharing the burden

brick by brick I'm entombed

in a round-about way I'm saying give me some space

my bricks and mortar

my paranoia is not out of proportion

check the blueprints that you have laid

i'm a paranoid girl,

when I'm outside duelling with passing cars

hoping they'll clear me some space

my bricks and mortar are shook to their foundations

this is what the voices say

there's no sense of community in the place

neighbours infest the surrounds

I'm hoping the sealant wears away

I hope all the bricks fall down

DirgeK's mum said...

Hi Angela, thanks for taking a look at this song

Angel said...

Your daughter was an amazing talent and it's an honor to even be looking at her music.Ive listened to several of her songs and seen many pictures. Truly a phenominal talent!

Angel said...

I was wondering if the lyrics for this song were written for this production, or if there is a vocal arrangement. I've tried to interpret Dirge's music and vocal style with these lyrics and this production, but the progressive tempo towards the end keep throwing me off. I was hoping for some guidance or input. TY

DirgeK's mum said...

As far as I know the lyrics were written for this music but the music does go very instrumental in the last third. Don't know Fred if it is possible to keep this part as instrumental and then go back to the slower part to finish off the lyrics

Keeper said...

What I would suggest is to show us as much as you are able to sing. Just stop where you begin having trouble.

I'm planning to work with Angel to show her how to use MULAB, so hopefully she'll be able to put some of her ideas up here once she's gotten the hang of MULAB.

Once I hear that much I would be able to say better what I think. As you know Jill there is a lot that can be done with arrangements to help facilitate the vocals.

It's good that Angel is voicing her concerns...

Keeper said...


Has Anjuli done any more recording on this song? What you showed me could easily be posted as a finished track. You should let me post it in the jukebox and it can be updated when she finishes it to her own liking. She really is an excellent vocalist.

DirgeK's mum said...

you can post it, she said she was going to do some polishing but might not be until after christmas

DirgeK's mum said...

you can post it , she said she was going to do some polishing but might not be until after christmas

The Admin said...

Hi Jill-

Ok I'll throw a "MASTER" on that mp3 and post it. Check your e-mail for an invitation to join this project blog so your comments here will bypass all moderation and show up immediately. We instituted moderation for all non members awhile back when we were getting spammed from the jewelry shops. Once you accept this invitation your comments will be directly posted, and not held for review before posting.

Can you post the credits? Thanks.

DirgeK's mum said...

Bricks and Mortar © Dirge K 2004
Alison Hazelwood © 2008

this ain’t a comfy living environment,
while my bricks and mortar surround

the adjoining buildings aren’t sharing the burden
brick by brick I’m entombed

in a round-about way I’m saying give me some space

my bricks and mortar
my paranoia is not out of proportion
check the blueprints that you have laid

i’m a paranoid girl,
when I’m outside duelling with passing cars
hoping they’ll clear me some space
my bricks and mortar are shook to their foundations
this is what the voices say

A golden-haired beauty.

Her eyes, two cobalt blue crystals, sparkling with mischief, whilst secretly laughing at us all.

Her lips as red as pomegranates and a smile that's warmth could radiate a hall.

A genius.

Her mind could weave a web around each one of us and would leave us all to spin along in awe. 
Such captivating stories, though true or not... we never could be sure!

A comic.

A natural born entertainer... her speed and wit would put us all to shame.
Her jokes, impressions... assassinations (!) inevitably led to small-time fame. 

An artist.

A flick of a brush, a scratch of a pen

Lyrics :DirgeK/Alison Hazelwood
Vocals and melody : Myndi Anjuli
Music : Jamie Kerr

The Admin said...

Ok got it Jill. Just give me a little bit to get this mp3 mastered, and you'll be all set. It really turned out great. Should be up in an hour or two. Best regards..